Do you have an important meeting, critical handover or other essential conference coming up in your calendar? Take the worry out of the entire event, and let FutureSpace handle all your conferencing needs today. With our state-of-the-art Sandton facilities fully at your disposal, it’s time to take advantage and upgrade your meetings to the max.

But I already have office space of my own?

Don’t let your existing real estate hold you back, either. Let’s be honest- keeping a separate meeting space prepared and ready to go isn’t always easy. Conference rooms are ‘wasted space’ for most of the working year, an empty room filled with pricey furniture that’s eating funds and space alike. Chances are your designated meeting space isn’t only used for meetings in order to combat this, but a multifunctional space is exactly where it’s difficult to guarantee privacy and seclusion- and that’s where FutureSpace can offer you a better alternative.

Not only are you guaranteed top-of-the-line conferencing technology to cover every need, in immaculate, perfectly styled surroundings, but you have the added convenience of perfect privacy from the rest of the company and any listening ears too. Why spend hours battling with a projector only to find that your WiFi signal drops at the last moment when our skilled and efficient staff can handle all of the setup needs for you? Let us handle the nitty-gritty of getting you up and running, while you handle your altogether more important matters.

FutureSpace: It just makes sense

With our conference setup guaranteed and our clean, stylish spaces open to you for all your needs, your focus can be on your conference and guests instead. Our dedicated buildings provide you with the utmost in quiet, private space to discuss and any all important matters without the distractions of your daily business to keep you from reaching the best resolution possible.

Let FutureSpace boost your conferencing and meeting needs to a new height today. No matter how large of small the matter, we offer you the ideal space to conduct your business efficiently and effectively.